vendredi 20 mars 2009


Pus aren't allowed to spit in the classroom but they are allowed to outside to school.
Pupils aren't allowed to write a smock in the classroom but they are allowed to outside to school.
Pupils aren't allowed to bring their cat but they are allowed to bring to bring in the house.
Pupils aren't allowed to bring make up but they are allowed to bring make up in the house.
Pupils aren't allowed to look at the tv but they are allowed to look at the tv in the house.


1 commentaire:

Miss STAS a dit…

ton texte commence par "pus"! Qu'est ce que ça veut dire??!!!
Sinon, il est très difficile de comprendre tes phrases car il y a trop d'erreurs. Par exemple: "they are allowed to outside to school", ou encore "they are allowed to bring to bring in the house"